Torghast layers 7-8
Torghast layers are a substitute for Visions of N'Zoth in BFA 8.3. However, Blizzard did a work-through, took into account the wishes of the players, and made a Torghast with different features such as talents, levels, and without timer. Torghast is the only way to grind Soul Ash.
Before buying, please discuss with PRO:
- Account Sharing or Self-play
- Twisting Corridors or Normal wings
- Time and Availability
- Soul Ash
- Possible: Pet, Mount, Achievement, Title, Toy
- Achievements
- Skill and knowledge
- The account is ready to play
- Torghast Unlocked
- Torghast 7-8 layers unlocked
- Twisting Corridors unlocked (if required)
- Gear level (chat with a booster)
- Level 60 character
- Discord for communication